Today’s Highlights:
We left the hotel in Easton at 6:45 AM on this quiet Saturday morning. It was our first cool morning with temps in the low 60s, which was very comfortable. After a short pedal through town, we were once again on quiet country roads. It was another hilly day, with over 3700 feet of climbing in 63 miles (also our shortest ride so far). Some sections were very hilly, but we also enjoyed miles with mildly rolling hills. There’s no such thing as flat so far.
After 25 miles, we broke out of the woods and into Amish farm country. It was refreshing to see the big vistas and open sky. We passed crops of corn, soybean, tobacco, and a few others. I also saw many interesting stone houses, each one unique in design and stone.
By 10 AM, about 45 miles into the ride, the temperature was in the 80s. My bike computer registered 98 degrees on the open road 10 miles from the end of my ride. It wasn’t uncomfortable though, as we are getting conditioned now. The scenery made it enjoyable too.
We have completed one week of the tour now, covering 510 miles.
Pictures Of The Day:
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Zoom and pan the map to explore the route. Click the name to view more information at Garmin Connect.