Day 6: Ride The East – Easton PA to Pottstown PA

Today’s Highlights:
Our 73-mile ride today took us from Easton to Pottstown, Pennsylvania, with about 20 miles in New Jersey just across the Delaware River. The morning started out hot as we rode through the cities of Easton and Phillipsburg. Once in the country, the shady, flat road along the Delaware River gave us a comfortable fifteen mile ride with only a few hills. At mile 20, we climbed a very steep hill, reported to be up to 18% grade. It didn’t take long though, and the first rest stop was shortly after the top of the hill. From there, we remained at the higher elevation moving further away from the Delaware and deeper into Pennsylvania. It was all up and down hills, and we logged in more than 3700′ of climbing. We passed by some farms and rural neighborhoods. The town of Skippack was especially nice. Some days, the ride is more about doing miles, and less about scenery and sites. This was one of those days.

Pictures Of The Day:

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