Final Statistics

Ride Statistics:
The official distance of the tour reported by ABB was 3872 miles in 47 riding days. The actual distance measured by my bike computer was slightly less, perhaps due to some route changes along the way. In addition to riding the entire route, I actually added bonus miles some days by choice or by mistake. Each rider’s actual miles will very a little. There were five other riders who rode the entire route (ie. did not SAG). They were Mark Brandjord, Ken Koele, Bud Seabeck, Emma Mason and Ken Harris.

Count: 47 Activities
Time: 252:14:02 h:m:s
Distance: 3,834.38 mi
Avg Distance: 81.58 mi
Max Distance: 120.82 mi
Elevation Gain: 128,323 ft
Avg Elevation Gain: 2,730 ft
Max Elevation Gain: 7,949 ft
Avg Speed: 15.2 mph
Max Speed: 45.4 mph

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1 Response to Final Statistics


    Hi John,

    Great to see you and your group completed the cross country bike trip.

    enjoyed your journal with daily postings and images.

    Will look at many days i missed.

    Again,congrats to you and your team of riders


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